Peter Drury making a point with his index finger held up

Ritvik Mawkin

From Football To Soccer: Twitter reacts as NBC snatches up Peter Drury

Jim Beglin, Peter Drury, Premier League

The world of football is usually filled and shocked with the news of players switching clubs or involved in some scandals they find hard to get out of but one rarely comes across a piece of news where a continental shift of a commentator makes waves.

Although, it has happened this time. And it is none other than the adored, the poetic, the majestic Peter Drury who has quit Premier League Productions (PLP) and packed his bags for the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) in the United States of America (USA).  

The news has sent ripples across the spectrum of football fans who used to turn on their television sets in England, the African subcontinent, and the Indian subcontinent to listen to the biblical voice of the 54-year-old.

It’s hard to find a single person who is unmoved by Drury’s rhythmical and flowing commentary that made every Premier League game feel like a bout between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier.  

Drury’s exit from PLP is unexplainable by many who are extremely vocal about his partnership with another great commentator, Jim Beglin. The duo, when together, are considered to be the best commentary pair out there, with each complementing the other’s intensity and style. 

Beglin also broke the news on his Twitter handle and the comments were of complete shock and awe. Drury’s die-hard fans have mentioned that despite the weight and the importance of the game, it is Drury’s alphabetical, grammatical, poetic magnificence that puts the Premier League above all other leagues.

When Drury is behind the mic, the fans can expect the unexpected. For them, Drury has reinvented the myth of commentary and given the already deceased William Shakespeare, a run for the money. 

‘A walking work of art. Vintage. Beyond Valuation. Beyond Forgery or Imitation,’ is the way he described Cristiano Ronaldo’s reunion with Manchester United.

‘Roma has risen from the ruins. Manolas, the Greek god in Rome,’ was Drury’s choice of words to describe Roma’s comeback against Barcelona in the Champions League.

These are a few bullet points among Drury’s illustrious resume that fans continue to bring out whenever the occasion arises. And for them, not having Drury sing behind the mic at PLP is nothing short of blasphemy. For them, it will now be boring and a few have already decided to take the subscription to NBC. Just to stay close to Drury’s words. 

For now, Drury will replace Arlo White at NBC and will become their fresh face and voice of the Premier League coverage in the United States. But what his words mean to every fan can be seen below through a string of eternal tweets.